Psychology and Child Development
Bollen & Hoyle (2012):
Have you thought how to measure intelligence?
What about the concept of “good performance”?
What does good health look like ? Is it a concept?
Models are theoretical reductions, they intend to explain how the DATA is produced by Nature.
Latent variables like the ones mentioned today belong to a family of models named Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) .
The word equation is there because we will estimate several equations at the same type.
Structural implies a set of equations we have to solve to unveil the relationship between variables.
Modeling means we will create models based on theory.
SEM was created to “confirm” theory. It is thought as a confirmatory approach.
Henseler (2020):
\(\Sigma\) = The estimated covariance matrix.
\(\Psi\) = Matrix with covariance between latent factors.
\(\Lambda\) = Matrix with factor loadings.
\(\Theta\) = Matrix with unique observed variances.
In SEM we also have another model for the implied means:
In Longitudinal SEM we can model changes overtime in different ways.
It depends on the question the researcher wants to address.
Longitudinal Confirmatory Factor Analysis (LCFA)
Panel models.
Latent growth models.
Spline models.
Random Intercept Panel Model.
Latent Change Score Model.
Little (2013)
Configural Invariance Model
Weak Invariance Model
Strong Invariance Model
Little (2013)
Panel Model Example
Mulder & Hamaker (2020):
RI Model
Asebedo et al. (2022)
RI Model Example
Mean structure model:
\[\begin{equation} y_{ti} = \lambda_{1t} \eta_{1i} + \lambda_{2t} \eta_{2i}+ \epsilon \end{equation}\]The most relevant part is the latent mean:
\[\begin{align} \eta_{1t} &= \alpha_{1} + \zeta_{1t}\\ \eta_{2t} &= \alpha_{2} + \zeta_{2t}\\ \end{align}\]Estimated Trajectories
We should use SEM when the data generating process is truly latent. This applies to many variables in psychology, sociology and social sciences. But also in health sciences.
SEM is good at treating missing data under the right assumptions.
In fact, the missing values can be imputed when treated as a latent variable.
And…more memes for sure.