Dog person trait vs. Cat person trait

20 points


Esteban Montenegro-Montenegro


March 2, 2025


The aim of this task is to get familiar with Qualtrics. It is an online software to create surveys. It is user friendly, that’s why many universities and companies use Qualtrics in United States. Also, it is safe and all the information is encrypted.

What do you have to do?

  • First, if you don’t have a Qualtrics account please follow these instructions to set your account for the first time. After setting up the account, you can get access to Qualtrics via this link:

  • Secondly, watch the video that I created to supplement this assignment. It is a small lecture that explains how Qualtrics works, and the basic workflow.

  • Finally, pay attention to the main task in the next section.

Measurement creation time !

The main task in this assignment is to create you own personality scale. Exciting times are ahead of you!

Let’s imagine you have a reason to believe that people who like dogs are different from the people who like cats. You start wondering, what if I can create a scale that measures these differences? Then, you realize; I’m a scientist hence I’ll create a scale based on my theories of personality.

In this part you have to create items following the Likert style for the response options, you could also create binary questions. You have to create minimum 10 questions, you may create more, the sky is the limit!

After creating the items prepare a word document where you will write your questions, with the instructions of the scale and the items with the response options. The scale has to measure both cat and dog personality traits. This document has to be submitted on Canvas with your name as the author.

Finally, you’ll have to use your new items and create a survey on Qualtrics (click here for more information), after creating the survey, you have to activate your survey and copy the link of the survey in your Word document along with your personality items.

Please see an example of possible items below:

Dog-cat personality scale

By Esteban Montenegro

Instructions: Please answer the following questions thinking about how you frequently behave or think in your life. There are not good or bad answers. This scale aims to measure personality traits. This scale doesn’t have any clinical implication. Please, select the option closer to your opinion.

  1. I’m an indepedent person, I work alone.

  1. I feel better when I feel like I belong to a group

  1. Friends or groups are not necessary for me to have fun.

  1. Loyalty is important for me

  1. Friends are not relevant I just need my food to be happy

  1. I love long walks or hiking with my family or friends

  1. People tell me that I’m a lonely happy person

  • As you can see in this example, I’m using the Likert-response option, where the participants have to choose one option out of five. You could also use binary questions such as:
  1. Do your friends tell you that you are quite like a cat?”

Let’s do some science!